Bruce Quick Distinguished Service Award

Jun 29, 2023

Bruce Quick, Criminal Defense Attorney in our Fargo office has received the State Bar Association of North Dakota‘s Distinguished Service Award. The Distinguished Service Award is the highest and most prestigious honor given by the Association. The award, which is not given every year, honors a member of the profession who has provided outstanding service to the state and legal community.

President Jennifer Albaugh presented the award to Bruce during the Law School Luncheon and Awards Program on Thursday, June 15th in the Dakota Ballroom of the Bismarck Hotel and Conference Center.

Bruce concentrates his practice in criminal defense and has been an attorney at our firm for 33 years. He received his undergraduate degree in 1975 from North Dakota State University and graduated with distinction from the University of North Dakota Law School in 1978.

Before joining the firm, Bruce spent several years as a prosecutor in the State’s Attorney’s office, Cass County, North Dakota, and as First Assistant Attorney General in the North Dakota Attorney General’s office. His experience includes numerous jury trials and appeals in state and federal courts.

Bruce is a frequent speaker at seminars and meetings for lawyers, law enforcement and political subdivisions, and he organized a criminal defense section of the State Bar Association of North Dakota. He has taught Constitutional Law at North Dakota State University and has written many criminal law articles and a Prosecutor’s DUI Manual. Bruce currently teaches criminal trial advocacy and criminal procedure at UND Law School and a civil liberties constitutional law class at Concordia College. 

We would like to wish Bruce the heartiest congratulations for this well-deserved honor.