Pat Weir and Josh Swanson have recently published a synopsis of North Dakota law for the 2013 edition of the Tort Law Desk Reference – A Fifty State Compendium, which is nationally distributed by Aspen Publishers and Wolter Klumer. The Tort Law Desk Reference provides a succinct survey of the tort laws of the fifty states and the District of Columbia. It is designed to serve as an initial reference for: corporate in-house counsel or litigation management professionals who are overseeing tort cases in more than one state; in-house professionals at the liability, casualty or property insurance companies concerned with claims and litigation management; and attorneys handling tort cases in more than one state.
Pat Weir limits his practice to representing those individuals and families who have suffered serious or fatal injuries as a result of another’s conduct. Josh Swanson’s practice is centered on litigation where he focuses on energy and natural resource law, commercial litigation, and plaintiff’s law.